Wednesday 26 June 2013

Let's get into the MATH.

Hello there! For this entry I would like to share my own mathematical computations and measurements on my own study models. Its a bit technical though but, as they say, when you show them the math, there's proof.. So for a quick guide, here's my short glossary of terms:

Disclaimer: I revised a few of the definitions for easier understanding

study models/cast :  copy or 3D model of my teeth/dental  

intermolar width: the distance between the midpoint of the first 

arch length: the distance formed on the tangent line crossing the 
             intermolar width and the midline of the central 

arch perimeter: measurement between the mesial aspect of the                 
                first molars over the contact points of posterior 
                teeth and incisal edge of the anteriors

over bite: vertical overlap of the maxillary teeth over 
           mandibular teeth measured perpendicular to the 
           occlusal plane

over jet: the horizontal projection of maxillary teeth beyond the 
          maxillary teeth measured parallel to the occlusal plane

midline shift: how the midline of the maxillary teeth and 
               mandibular teeth are deviated to either left or 
               right in reference to the midline or center of the 

Oh well, these terms should be enough, lets get straight to the photos and the numbers.

First Photo:

These are my Upper and Lower Study Models.The upper is the left photo and the Lower is the right side. You can easily recognize with the presence of the palate.

Second Photo:
My Upper cast showing how I measured the arch length, arch perimeter and the intermolar width.

Third Photo: 
My Lower cast showing how I measured the arch length, arch perimeter and the intermolar width.

Fourth Photo:
My Upper and Lower Cast biting together, shown on the Right Side View to Measure my Overjet

Fifth Photo:
My Upper and Lower Cast biting together shown on Front View to show the Midline

Here are my Measurements BEFORE TREATMENT:

From Photo #2:
Upper Arch Length: 43mm
Upper Arch Perimeter: 79mm
Upper Intermolar Width: 46mm

From Photo #3:
Lower Arch Length: 27mm
Lower Arch Perimeter: 71mm
Lower Intermolar Width: 41mm

From Photo #4:
Overjet: 9mm

From Photo #5:
Midline Shift to the Right from the Upper : 2mm
Midline Shift to the Left from the Lower: 5mm

Upper Arch Length - Lower Arch Length = Overjet including all teeth in measurement 

43mm - 27mm = 16mm

We have quite a significant number here.. My teeth, no doubt doesn't look THAT much crooked, but in terms of balance and symmetry, there really is a big difference. 

Remember these measurements for now and I will show you the update measurements while Im On Treatment on my next post.

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